Introduction to Synopsys-Modes

Written by Wilson Snyder <>.

Synopsys-Modes is no longer being used nor supported.

Synopsys-modes is a collection of language modes for Emacs.

  • sim-log.el: Highlights simulation .log files and works in conjunction with Dinotrace Emacs annotation so that cursors can be placed into log files.
  • apollo-mode.el: Allows paths to be sifted from Apollo Timing analyzer .apollo_rpt files.
  • einstimer-mode.el: Allows paths to be sifted from IBM Einstimer Timing analyzer ._endpoint files.
  • synopsys-mode.el: Allows paths to be sifted from Design Compiler report_timing .rpt files.

The general idea with most of these modes is that a large timing report contains many similar or identical paths. By hitting a key, every path below the cursor which contains (or doesn't contain) a regular expression is removed. This leaves only those paths of interest. Doing this several times is usually sufficient to understand an entire many-thousand path report.